ElleGolf Winter League
Fox Hollow Golf Dome & Dinner
Join Us at Fox Hollow for Winter League starting Wed, Nov 11, and continuing until March. Come as often as you like; once, twice or weekly. 45 Minutes Range Practice to hit balls, practice our various clubs & shots, and / or putting & chipping practice. We will have drills each week, prizes and even the occasional guest instructor! Keep up your golf skills through the winter and socialize! It’s a Great Golf opportunity followed by a Scrumptious Dinner.
$38 per person per night: $10 to ElleGolf to Register* & $28 payable at Golf Dome for Golf & Dinner.
*Or, $50 Winter 2020/21 ElleGolf Pass (Available to Members) + $28 to Golf Dome per evening (for Golf & Dinner)
Winter League every Wednesday, 5 – 6:15 pm, followed by Dinner, 6:15 – 8 pm. Register by Noon Monday to play on Wednesday.
2020 Dates: Wednesday, Nov 11, 18, 25, Dec 2, 9 & 16; 5 – 8 pm.
2021 Dates: Wednesdays, Jan – March.
Guests welcome, when space is available. $10 registration fee per evening + $28 golf & dinner.